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    German Shepherd Dog Club of Wisconsin August 20, 2017 trial

    Thanks for volunteering to work the trial. Please enter any classes that you like to help. The club will supply you with a great lunch. If you have any question please email Karen Gritkas @ sblshep@gmail.com.

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    T2B STD - EX/MAS 26/24 STD - EX/MAS 20 STD - EX/MAS 16 STD - EX/MAS 12 - 4 JWW - EX/MAS 26/24 JWW - EX/MAS 20 JWW - EX/MAS 16 JWW - EX/MAS 12 - 4 STD - Premier JWW - Premier STD - Open JWW - Open STD - Novice JWW - Novice
    Gate Steward
    Sheet Runner
    Leash Runner
    Bar Setter
    Course Builders - Ring #1
    Course Builders - Ring #2
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    • (Anyone can see this.)
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