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    That is to say, the mountain God who has entered the second stage, that is, the weak period, will not recover to the strong period even if he devours the believers guarding the mountain. It is still the same as the weak period, but the value of Qi and blood increases. This is a double-edged sword, don't forget, after the weak period. It's the rampage period. It can be imagined that in the case of 15o% attack, the Rampage Mountain God also restored his Qi and blood to full value by devouring the believers guarding the mountain. Oh, it's too much to think about. How can not resist it, the shadow of the people feel that to become a believer and other settings is too mean bird, too shameless bird, too dirty bird! If you change to a series setting, you might step on your feet when you see the boss dying. Every believer guarding the mountain must have been a broken-winged angel with his face on the ground in his previous life. Ying Mie sighed, shook his head, blew open the tea powder in his teacup, sipped the tea into his mouth, and continued to look at the following information. The rest of the skills are not so difficult, of course, still can not be underestimated, such as the God can increase the degree of movement of the believers guarding the mountain, increase the degree of attack of the believers guarding the mountain, increase the defense of the followers guarding the mountain iron shield, and increase the power of attack. However, only one of these States of sex enhancement can exist, which is barely good news. Think about it,endless swim pool, if all of them exist, it will become difficult to deal with just one believer guarding the mountain, and it will be too difficult. Huh? The shadow extinguishes the vision a congealing, bloodthirsty technique? Bloodlust: Increases attack power by 1o%, attack power by 1o%, mobility by 1O%, reduces defense power by 15%, reduces Chi and blood value by 15%, and reduces spell value by 15%. Bloodlust is a skill, but the effect of the increase is equal to the effect of several previous skills. Although the reduction seems to be more,endless swimming pool, 1oo elite followers who increase their attack power, attack power and mobility by 1o% will probably become killing machines. Even the elite, not to mention the Boss and the king, in the downward pull, gradually there is no description of the skill, just a name of the skill, and finally there is no name, only a few question marks. There are three appearances. "??" The skill, the shadow also recorded down, and so on to ask the ancient elder brother, about the mountain God's skill collection is comprehensive, whether the last three question mark skills are the ultimate skill of the mountain God. After reading it, Ying Mie began to read the habit chapter. The so-called habit is to say some habits of the mountain God, for example, when playing Boss, people always come to shout before putting skills, to inform you, hey, massage bathtub manufacturers ,american hot tub, I threw a big move. Although the mountain God will not be so silly, and the habit of action is much less, but there are still some. After all, he is a God, so we can't expect to rely on these habitual actions to subdue him, but at least we can warn him through habitual actions, and know earlier, even if only a little, it will be of great help to the battle. ——————————————————— Recently, jet lag, because the vertical and horizontal automatic cloth has a problem, it always does not appear, so simply go to sleep again. In this case, the time of the first shift may not be so accurate. But on the whole, all of them will arrive around 8 o'clock in the evening. Let me inform you that you can't let the lovely students wait. Chapter 72 habits There are not many habits of mountain gods, and most of them are not good at all, or even can not be used. For example, every time the mountain God uses bloodlust, his little finger will move. This Ying Mie scratched his head. In the case of the mountain God, at any time to prevent the other side from throwing a big move, how can you have the energy to focus your attention on the other side's little finger? Even if there is, well, but bloodlust is added to the believers guarding the mountain, not offensive skills, there is no need to avoid, in other words, they can not stop the mountain God to add bloodlust to the believers guarding the mountain, so this habit is really useless. At this point, I have to talk about the problem of hierarchy. The biggest difference between kings and gods is not wisdom. Although there is a difference in force, it is not the most important. The biggest difference between the two lies in godhood.
    No one knows the specific function of godhood, but only from some patchwork information can also know some content, although the function of godhood is very different, but there is one thing in common. It is the ability to make the godhead immune to the ability to control. That is to say, the broken skull of the shadow (paralyzing the target), or the stun, or the immobilization, etc., will not have an effect on the mountain God. Without a control skill like stun, the skill of the mountain God cannot be interrupted, which is why it is impossible to stop bloodlust. Also, if this is not the case, thousands of players regularly carry out uninterrupted skills stun, can not the God level directly faint to death? Even the king level has a strong resistance to control skills, and the God level is immune, which is not surprising. After reading it for a long time, Ying Mie thought that there were only three useful ones in the habit chapter. The first is that the mountain God blinks his right eye for a second before each use of the ground crack. This belongs to the kind of difficult to use, the height of the mountain God, so that close players to observe his eyes has become a luxury, so there is a need for a special person in the distance with Hawkeye observation. And it is one second before use, that is to say, there is only one second buffer time. When the message is delivered and then opened, it may be one second. Even if it does not arrive, then the person who gets the message starts to command and avoid, one second will always pass, right? So, this is hard to use, and it's a bit of a chicken rib. But even so, also have to use,whirlpool hot tub spa, who called the ground crack is the mountain God used more frequently group second skill. The second is that before using the roar of the mountain God, no matter where the hands are, they will always be put back to the sides of the body and then raised. Hold it up and shout at the same time. Roar of the Mountain God: Reduces the defense of all players within 5 meters by 10%. monalisa.com

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