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    Dyslexia Center Sweet Shoppe Fundraiser Signup

    This signup is for donated items for the Sweet Shoppe Fundraiser.
    Please sign up for one or more items and bring prepackaged items to the Center on:
    Thursday, December 1st (during office hours & placed on designated tables in the main room) or
    Saturday, Dec. 3rd delivered to the Scottish Rite Upstairs Dining Room by 8:30 a.m.!

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Jumbo Cookies
    Cookie Stacks (cookie multi-packs)
    Decorated or Specialty Cake (boxed or covered)
    Pie (boxed or covered)
    Specialty Dessert
    Specialty or Homemade Bread
    Jumbo Rice Krispie Treats
    Decorated Cookies
    Chocolate Covered Pretzels
    Want to bring something special?
    • (Only the administrator can see this.)
    • You must provide your name and email.
    • (Anyone can see this.)
    • or cancel