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    Gateway Church 24 Hours of Unceasing Prayer for the city of Austin- April 29, 2018

    2018 - 24 Hour Unceasing Prayer Movement for Austin

    ~ I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. –Isaiah 62:6-7 ~

    This will be our first 24-hour Unceasing Prayer time for 2018, and we're so glad you've decided to join us in this night-and-day prayer event to cover the city of Austin in prayer! Sign up to pray for a 1 or 2 hour time slot below. Since this sign up covers all of Gateway, please indicate if you're joining in from our Gateway North campus, Gateway Central campus or our Gateway South Campus by indicating (North) or (Central) or (South) respectively after your name. We really encourage you to join in and pray with others over our campuses. (all prayer be off campus) Again, thank you for joining our mission to keep the city of Austin covered in prayer 24/7, 365 days a year! We hope you can join us again soon for more Unceasing Prayer Events at Gateway. Look for more details about these upcoming prayer events at gatewaychurch.com/prayer.

    Unceasing Prayer is a collaborative effort by over 30 churches in Greater Austin to cover our city in prayer 24/7 to see the church in Austin unified with one heart and mind to unceasingly petition God through prayer to reach our city for Christ.

    Each participating church covers one 24 hour period in prayer per month. Gateway Church has committed to the 5th Sunday of each month. A complete listing of all churches can be found here at www.austinprays.org.

    Need Help Knowing How to Pray?

    One way to pray is the ACTS model of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication).

    Adoration: Simply put, spend a few minutes adoring God. Tell him what you think of His character, His works, His Grace, His Glory, His Holiness....anything you can think of to tell God how wonderful He is.

    Confession: This is the time to confess any known sin to God. This could be something you've struggled with a long time, or something that just happened today. Whatever it is, remember that God loves you, gave His Son Jesus for you, forgives you, and wants to be in relationship with you.

    Thanksgiving: Take the time to stop, reflect on all that you have to be thankful for and thank God for His blessings.

    Supplication: Here is where you ask God, in the name of Jesus, to do things. It is fine to ask Him for whatever the Holy Spirit is leading you to ask, but since our focus in this time of prayer is Austin, please do spend some time in prayer for the city. Examples of things to pray for might be that every man, woman and child would come to know God through Christ, that God would help bring peace and justice to our city for His Glory, for our city officials professionally and personally to reflect Christ in all their decisions and actions, for the poor and oppressed to be comforted, for racial reconciliation in all sectors of our city, etc.

    God bless ~

    “Our praying needs to be pressed and pursued with an energy that never tires, a persistency which will not be denied, and a courage that never fails.” E.M. Bounds

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    Gateway Church 24 Hours of Unceasing Prayer for Austin in 2018- Sunday, April 29, 2018
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