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    Festival of Lights Class Party

    Ms. Kotie's class party is this Friday! We'll be starting games at 10 am, and food and drinks will be served at 11 am. We are looking for volunteers to help at the party and to bring food. Please take a look at the sign up and find a way to help support our class party! Thank you!

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Party chaperone to help with a game/craft area (at least 5 volunteers needed)
    Apple Cider (2 people, 1 bottle each)
    Egg Nog (2 people, 1/2 gallon each)
    36 Plates and cups
    36 Forks and napkins
    Stroganoff (1 person, 1 casserole dish)
    Green Salad (1 person)
    Fruit Salad (1 person)
    Pasta Salad (1 person)
    Pizza Donations (sign up if you'd like to contribute)
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