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    Kintz Celebration Reception Volunteers

    Please help us to make July 16th a special day of celebration for the Kintz family and for Zion! We need help in a variety of areas in order to make the reception following the service run smoothly and be a positive experience for everyone. Greeters, servers, and table helpers will have a short team meeting on the July 16th at 3:15pm in the gym to make sure everyone is on the same page. Thank you for being willing to serve in this way!

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    Kintz Celebration Reception Volunteer Roles
    Set-Up: attend early service and set-up in the gym at 10:30am on July 16
    Clean Up: stay after the reception to help put away tables and chairs, sweep, etc
    Desserts: provide a dessert for the reception
    Greeters: stand at one of the school entrances to greet and help direct people
    Servers: serve food as people come through the line
    Table Helpers: if needed help people carry food or drinks to their tables, refill drinks, bus tables
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