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jholston@berkeley.edu’s Sheets
James Holston Office Hours Spring 2025
My office hours for the Spring 2025 Semester are Mondays 10:30-12:00. Please sign up below. I will hold most office hours ON ZOOM. Please use the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/92313493599?pwd=1aSYgbi8yb0HeX0v7TbHcR5x8llNW6.1 I will launch this link at the beginning of office hours. If you have a remote appointment, join at your scheduled time.
James Holston Office Hours Fall 2024
My office hours for the Fall semester are Mondays 10:30-12:00. Please sign up below. I will hold most office hours ON ZOOM. Please use the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/99997396295?pwd=xLSzv8yYVYAVunOyxk918E3reGm977.1 I will launch this link at the beginning of office hours. If you have a remote appointment, join at your scheduled time.
James Holston Office Hours Spring 2024
My office hours for the Spring semester are Mondays 10:00-12:00. Please sign up below. I will hold most office hours ON ZOOM. Please use the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/96607027797?pwd=T2lFeUM3ZVRpMHR5cldaTDRHZml6Zz09 ID: 96607027797 Passcode: 796787 I will launch this link at the beginning of office hours. If you have a remote appointment, join at your scheduled time.
James Holston Office Hours Fall 2023
My office hours for the Fall 2023 semester are Mondays 10:00-12:00. Please sign up below. Students can choose to see me either in-person at my office, 311 Anthropology and Art Practice Building, or on Zoom at the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/98294761997?pwd=NnA4SWlxcmpyMDEzVXUrSmN6MnJ6Zz09 Meeting ID: 982 9476 1997 Passcode: 188185 . I will launch this link at the beginning of office hours. If you have an remote appointment, join at your scheduled time.
James Holston Office Hours Fall 2022
My office hours for the Fall 2022 semester are Mondays 9:00-12:00. Please sign up below. Students can choose to see me either in-person at my office, 311 Anthropology and Art Practice Building, or on Zoom at the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/97415782486?pwd=SG9tSEVPN3E5S1l4cGtCRDhqNFNZZz09. I will launch this link at the beginning of office hours. If you have an appointment, join remotely at your scheduled time.
James Holston Office Hours Fall 2021
My office hours for the Fall 2021 semester are Mondays 9:00-12:00. Please sign up below. The office hour meetings will be on Zoom at the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/91787667541?pwd=cis4K0hoc2dxRUpTM2RRQ2VjVk5TQT09
James Holston Office Hours Spring 2021
My office hours for the Spring 2021 semester are Mondays 9:30-12:00. Please sign up below. The office hour meetings will be on Zoom at the following link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/93652143706?pwd=NkNTc2NmSmI1QnZNQzRIekltdVM0UT09